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AA228V/CS238V Validation of Safety Critical Systems

Quiz Policies

Preamble that will appear at the top of each quiz

Quizzes will be taken on Gradescope. You may consult any material (e.g., books, calculators, computer programs, and online resources), but you may not consult other people inside or outside of the class or large language models like ChatGPT. The quiz is designed to be completed in XX minutes, but we will grant you YY minutes total to complete and submit your quiz (including uploading any images, handling any logistical issues, etc.). The timing on Gradescope is a hard cutoff. You can start at 5pm Pacific time on Thursday. The quizzes will be open until 5pm Pacific time on Sunday to accommodate those in other time zones and complex working situations. Ed will not allow any public posts during that time. Partial credit may be awarded based on work shown. You can upload either a file or give a response in the free response field (latex is possible using two $ signs). If you upload a file, only submit a pdf or image file. Please do not include identifying information as the exam is graded anonymously. Out of fairness to all students, only material submitted during the allowed time will be graded.

The point totals are written under the questions. Some questions will take longer than others. Feel free to answer the questions in any order you like.

Quiz Reflections

The purpose of this policy is not solely to improve your scores but to enhance your understanding of the course material. Learning from your mistakes is an essential part of the educational journey. To encourage this process and help deepen your understanding of the course material, we will adopt a policy that allows students to reflect on their quizzes and earn up to half of the missed points back. This policy was inspired and adapted from a similar policy in CS161.

Opportunity: If you score below 70% on a quiz, you have the opportunity to write a reflection on the problems you missed. The adjusted score will be your original score plus up to half of the total points you missed, with a maximum adjusted score of 70%.

Reflection Guidelines: Your reflection should be in PDF format and include the following:

  • Your original answer to the question
  • The number of points you originally earned for that question (e.g. 3 / 5)
  • The rubric item(s) for that question as specified on Gradescope (e.g. “Right answer but significant error in explanation”)
  • If applicable, any additional point adjustments or rubric items.
  • A detailed explanation of your mistake, including any incorrect assumptions or incomplete solutions.

When writing your reflection, dedicate a significant portion to explaining, in detail, where you went wrong in your original response. Identify the specific mistake or errors in your original answer. Go beyond surface-level identification and delve into the root cause of your mistake. Ask yourself why you made this error. Did you misinterpret the question? Did you overlook a critical piece of information? If your mistake was due to assumptions or misconceptions, explicitly state what these assumptions or misconceptions were. If your original response was incomplete, explain what critical steps or components you omitted. Walk through the problem step-by-step and clarify where you should have elaborated further.

Deadline: You must submit your reflection by the specified deadline, which we will announce on Ed. Details on the submission process will be provided shortly after the first quiz.

Notification: The adjusted points will be updated in Gradescope.

If you have any questions or need further clarification regarding this policy, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the teaching team.